SUP BRUCES. whats good? hella girl day. not even worth writting bout, i will infact try and manipulate our australia day into a nutshell though, from catching wrong delayed trains, endless bus/train ride conversations, using 1800 torture techniques on our poor little delicate feet - ultimately burning the shit out of them when running on the pavement and sand - making music with my mouth while tia moves to it, awkward misunderstandings, stalking, cluttered bathrooms, tanning -more the less triple tanning in my account - watermelon and ice block lunches, seeing a semi-familiar handsome face ;), human towers, and crazy freakout sessions for every above average looking guy to be seated within a 40 mile raduis, haha i kid you not. and though that still serves our day no justice, i do hope your day was of the awesome kind :) I start work again tomorow, so effortless productivity for the win! ill see you handsome kids on the flipside. xo
everyones good looking o.O
what id do to go to the beach with youz ..
hahaha, dude can you not.
everitime ppl hang out wif u
ur a mess attracter
happy australia day
these pics were captured beautiful
not awfully played out with peace signs and tongue poppin but with play and smiles
makes me wanna come play with you girls
your learning from the best aren't you ness ;]
damn look at your intellectual constructive criticism kyler you beast!
im not actually learning from the best, more less taking full advantage at my continuous shot feature on my camera haha
but i do love your work pup <3
effin FUN.
whi waznt i invited??? :(
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