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HAPPY VALENTINES/ SINGLE AWARENESS DAY LOVE KITTENS! weather your basking in your own depression or demonstrating the epitome of romance, i do hope your spending it well. my valentines day has consisted of a chocolate candy diet, classic love films circa 1940 - 1970, phone tennis and helium balloons. all wrapped up in 30+ degree heat. i think that's pretty dope seeing as how i shouldn't even be celebrating with my available ass. sunday doggy stroll, international phone call, and a maxxie play date up next. quick playlist of just so few of my favourite pretty love songs, excuse it being so messy with its mixed genre's and shit. lovers get lost! xo.
edit: woops kids so bag lady - erykah badu isnt a love song, i was suppose to put love of my life on but i guess i clicked the wrong song, and i actually cant be f^&ked fixing it.