the 5 day weekend's insane schedule were along the lines of:
4pm - 2am : skating and tagging brisbane city
2am - 6am : extreme gaming time (saw, modern warfare, bioshock 2)
6am - 8am : Sleep
9am - 12pm : pre-drinks before good vibes music festival at a coast apartment, courtesy of Kal & Alex, muchos gracias!
12pm - 9:30pm : Good Vibes Festival and all things good in between
9:30pm : Road Trip to Sydney, which included stops every 2hours and driver swaps every 4.
10am : Arrived at Destination
11am : UFC FRENZY, which was by far one of the most fulfilling experiences i have ever experienced, you haven't experienced UFC until your drinking 18$ beer in a stadium of 20,000 others who would sell there grandmothers to attend.
7pm - 11pm : SWEET, SWEET SLEEP.
12pm - 2am : pointless bestie phonecall
2am - 5am : serious lord of the rings: two towers recap, im a huge lord of the rings geek too by the way, ask me anything about it i gurantee you won't defeat me! im talking about the video games too, you don't stand a chance buddy!
6am - 9am : breakfast runs
9am - 2pm: shopping - not healthy i tell you!
2pm - 12am : eating, drawing, texting, swimming
12am - 7am : REST! REST! REST!
2am - 6am : extreme gaming time (saw, modern warfare, bioshock 2)
6am - 8am : Sleep
9am - 12pm : pre-drinks before good vibes music festival at a coast apartment, courtesy of Kal & Alex, muchos gracias!
12pm - 9:30pm : Good Vibes Festival and all things good in between
9:30pm : Road Trip to Sydney, which included stops every 2hours and driver swaps every 4.
10am : Arrived at Destination
11am : UFC FRENZY, which was by far one of the most fulfilling experiences i have ever experienced, you haven't experienced UFC until your drinking 18$ beer in a stadium of 20,000 others who would sell there grandmothers to attend.
7pm - 11pm : SWEET, SWEET SLEEP.
12pm - 2am : pointless bestie phonecall
2am - 5am : serious lord of the rings: two towers recap, im a huge lord of the rings geek too by the way, ask me anything about it i gurantee you won't defeat me! im talking about the video games too, you don't stand a chance buddy!
6am - 9am : breakfast runs
9am - 2pm: shopping - not healthy i tell you!
2pm - 12am : eating, drawing, texting, swimming
12am - 7am : REST! REST! REST!
the rest of the weekend - tuesday was just full of me trying to regain my strength, house shopping, constant trips to cold rock and dead batteries. hope that explained my lagging of text replies and phonecalls. im trying to keep this post's text to a minimum because if i even start to get into all the things that happened in between i kid you not, it would be the longest son of a bitch to ever brace blogspot, not even kidding, and no! haha my brother didn't pose in any of these pictures, the one of him, mi madre and his girlfriend is his normal face, i know right lol

i feel so special to be apart of this weekend!
im a 4pm - 2am :D
im a 12pm - 9:30pm
im a 2pm - 12am
we texted :D
not? ..
im all of the above hahahahaha
minus sunday
oh nah i was cool, my husband(s) was fighting ;)
your insane
your brother looks good hehe
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