Title via, the 109 play's Notwist song on my ipod, what makes it worse is that was only the play count for one day. wow nessar, really? my best friend flew in from sydney on saturday morning, ola handsome! two weeks en counting! same old reoccurring daily activities, as per normal, productivity has amounted too all day movie's, nail polish remover, interweb rapeing and ignoring your phone call's. how do you like it? picture's via thursday last week, or was it wednesday? i can't even recall lol but photo credit, kyle. he's a 15 year old wonder! your gonna make the big time baby! YOUR GONNA MAKE THE BIG! haha, this weeks social activities include, play dates with my best friend, dinner at Dean's! (you have no idea, how much of an undercover chef this boy is! heaven.) weekly meetings with tia and jenn, true blood marathon with tracey, and crashing your house party ;)
and an awkward clarification, i met a girl on sunday who say's she reads my blog, your ponytail was totally cute by the way! i can't remember if i told you that or not lol, and there was a lil confusion, so incase you feel the same way, ill make this shit way apparent. IM A BROWN SKIN GIRL. i don't know, why or who keep's saying im light skinned, because im not, and i don't come from south america, or anywhere south for that matter. nor do i claim to have an accent, i admit to saying some words funny, like banana, and down, and can't that may throw you off abit, but i can assure you im not of any european/carribean/western hemisphere decent. IM JUST FUNNY LOOKING OKAY! haha damn people, damn. don't get me wrong, im flattered at some of the ethnicity's you kids throw at me, but on the other hand i feel like im lacking in my own and that im just that uncool that i can't even pull off my own race haha, which is maori by the way! lol x

these pictures are great!
are you a model?
as well as the song :P xx
those shorts are cute
i miss writting my "gay" comments on your bebo pictures :(
as always ..
love what your wearing
it looks so cosy and effortless
but has a sexyness too it
the knee high socks and boots are a great touchh!!
C.J! love me already!
your so right tho! those pictures were circa 7am, thats actually how i woke up haha threw on some eyeliner and chucked the boots on. im not that clever.
a 15yrold shot theze?
im actually 16 next month ^-^
but my photography is nothing without Nessar the DoDo Bird *-*
You work "Maori" so well.
it fits you, i've never seen
this nationality work for someone
in& with this style, well done.
it's hard to do.
thank you for all your assuring comments <3 i feel good. xo
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