NOW COMMENCES the april hell period, with dog errands, volunteer work, dress making, family events, independent studies, actual studies, job inductions, actual job, social commitments, kyles work assesment, taylors work assesment, my work assesments, teen drama therapy, mural draft, mural itself, my nan and great nan flying in from new zealand, cousins flying in from melbourne, babysitting gigs, phone tennis, future brainstorms, meet and greets, spring/summer designs, immature stability, football games, netball games and everything else in between. toodles to full nights rest, though i've been abandonned by you for several months now. f&*k it. xo
AND we found my wolf dog, thank you for all the wishes.
no playgroup this month then :(
whats that over?
cool pictures
your mums so cute haha
yay you found your dog!
@Anony thats the next 2 weeks, haha so less serious.
@"not" anthony, screw you handsome! ><
beautiful day ..
sweet song
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