i've had a fat week, with mock and studies and work (which recently has included bay's job aswell), the past month or so, after my legal classes i passed by and overheard a class lecture and was actually so intrigued that i began to sit on the regular class everytime i was there, and because its actually a uni class and my life span doesnt quite fit its principle of people suitable to enable such theory's and knowledge i was, if you will, sitting in illegally haha. but anyway, i just recently got busted for doing so and after much pleading and empty apologies, ive been registered for a lecture pass in political science, woo hoo! thats big news folks! and whilst on the topic of my scattered education also got a proposition for an exchange programme, ill update on that on a later note, because after reading 3 pages of the criteria forms im beginning to see all the reasons why im ineligible haha
other reason's for inactive documentation include: 22hr days, waking up at 3am to move rocky and anthony's stuff into day's house (they live on the coast, day lives in kingston - you can see the travel retardedness with a total of 5 trips there and back, dont ask why, im still not sure) studying on my lunch breaks, serious face time, shopping with blake, torturing mojo (puppy in the photo's) literacy pre-test's, skate spotting, befriending gelato's to an extreme extent that its now a permanancy meal extra for my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any other meal in between, cartoon sketches (and a tattoo experiment). reason for future inactive documentation: mychal's 19th (which is in approximately 8hrs), exchange interview, work, studies (the usual, which from further will be knowen as ghoul time, remember that for future reference) warehouse spotting (breaking and entering) dslr shopping, cocktail practise, dance spectating, under 11's football games and hopefully torturing mojo some more. and im in serious depth of social seclusion, i only ever see the same 10 people now, not that im complaining i love you people, but im still supposed to be of teenage decent so reunion's and beach side date's are of a necessary! see you handsome's on the flipside.

nessssy that pupppy is CUUUUUUUUTEEEEE
@Roxie mojo is my future husband, for real, and that's not even sad, its the bloody murder truth.
i missth youuuu
so busy
very cute
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