i just haaad to post some visual book porn right now on this 528 paged wonder! i don't know if you've noticed, but im a dork. an a-list dork. and things like international mythology get me wet (remi honey, contain yourself hahaha) my brother picked this up just today, it covers loads of mythology from greek and roman, to european, even to maori! (and brushing up on some old school myths and legends couldnt hurt anybody yessir) not only is it full of lustful art pieces dated back to early B.C's, but if your anything like me, it'll have your thoughts provoking similarities in each culture and opening your mind to all sorts of era's and just immediate brain pleasures! with that being said, im killing myself trying to get through it as calmly and maturely as possible, which is much more difficult than bites the dust, believe me. i highly reccomend this badboy, and if you hit up a nearby borders you can score this 110$ masterpiece for a mere 50 bones! you won't regret it! and if you do, f%$k you!

lend that to mee ^-^
@yoshi, im reading up about your mythology! i love the myth about Namazu <3 i just love the idea, imma tell all my childrens about it!
ha ha NAMAZU
i used to be scared of him .. lol
hahaha nawwwwwwwww! MARRY ME.
ha ha your supposed to marry ME
dont forget to call me boo boo :*
your a hoe.
you read mythology? surprising
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