OLD. circa ..a couple weekends ago? whatever, riverfire weekend. cigars and pancakes with tracey. whom of which was majority of the cigar thing, i was more the pancakes. shes a beast with cigars, i totally hate the idea of it, but she went threw 2 packets and i mean, come on! your not - NOT - gonna smoke a cigar with a hip hop appetite like my own .. yessir. there's more pictures from that night, but cant be f**ked at the moment. a super huge I LOVE YOU to everyone who sends me cute stuff about this blog, you're cute. cuddles and cyber kisses fellow peepers xoxo

i swear i love your style ..
i havent seen you in forever ahem i mean SAVED* you in forever haha hip hop date?
@Robb hahaha i dont need saving im a big girl! *3seconds later* OH SHIT, ELIJAHS TRYNA KILL ME! hahahaha i love you forever for that night! i think you got a new number or something? :s ..
i did indeed
you still got the same number? 0448?
@Robb yes sir! TXT ME RIGHT NOW! i wanna call you about a lil some'in some'in
im in loooooooooooooove with ur HAIR
i like the way these are edited ^-^
i like your style too
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