Sunny day with the Wifey, where she managed to bust her lip while eating subway hahah gangsta or what! i managed to post five times last week, so to avoid future cramp post's, I've started to make use of the scheduling feature we have here on blogger, which enables to me to cramp post as much as i want and have it queue itself to post on a later date! its brilliant i tell ya! (in fact, i posted this post, along with 3 others on Sunday night! and it didn't post until right now! *see date for 'right now' reference) also apologies for my comment rambling in the previous post, seriously blame Mav for being so lame :* here's a play list i had on loop today, and thought it fit the aesthetics of these pictures channeling a definite chill-some vibe with some of the all time favorites, peep the funk cupcakessss xoxoxo

nice playlist
do you edit all your own pictures?
i love these!
@Anony <3
@Anony2 i dooooooooooo. i have loads of spare time clearly, lol.
@Roxie i love you!
@Chaz you fail. @Dez wins.
your a lame!
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