i don't even think it's that i don't have time to upload pictures anymore (even though that is majority of the case) but it's mostly just because i'm so retarded with visual documentation, that i find it almost always necessary to make one day's worth of imagery look entirely different to another day's .. thus why i have different color shade's on all my posts. -__- .. i actually have a pretty mild condition of OCD. (self proclaimed) anyway, i can't even remember much about this day, so i can't even write a lame little nutshell for you fellow peepers, but i'm almost certain these picture's covered it? .. or not? .. i think i remember it pouring down with rain and me getting my jeans wet! :( .. haha no idea, hope your all swell and dandy, now enjoy yourselves and get chill to this funky track xoxoxoxo

fun pics
your so cute with all your weird novelties
i love this
<333 your adorable
and miss you bunches babyg!!!
im sensing .. T.Richardson type shoot with your beanies?
perfect beat!
i download like all the songs you put on your posts .. lol im not a stalker ..
@Anony :*
@Anony2 hahahaha .. novelties .. HAHAHA
@Roxie i miss yoooooooul :'(
@Taylor wow really? do i get to be a whore, with porn hair and no shirt?
@Anony YUM!
@Davy haha thats dope babennnns! we should vibe.
your just fucking cute oi!
@Tracey OI. hahahaha. oi ... hahahahahahahahahha!! okay enough, seriously -___-
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