is that sister enough for you people? if not, jcole to sooth your mind. I GOT GOOD NEWS TODAY. so about .. 4, months ago? (lol) a future boyfriend of mine, Yoshi, ha. gave me the opportunity to design a tee graphic for his cousin's band's tee line in japan! because im like the shittest person in the world with time maintenance, i cram designed the first week of getting the proposition, and then kind of forgot about it, and went on to do other pointless, not very cool things. so last night, Yoshi hit me for the graphic's (and yes the plural being of relevance) but i actually had only fixed together 1. and that was month's ago, so i didn't even have anything really dope to offer :/ ANYWAY i ended up just sending him some draft graph's from my sketch book's and sent them all away last night. THEN TODAY (this is the good part) after feeling randomly nervous, then later realizing it was because i knew my graph's for this sick shit opportunity were less than ideal, i got a phone call from Yoshi, confirming ..... that his cousin loved not 1, but 2 of my graph's and is using one for the tee and the other as wall art in their studio! YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAAYAYAY. so im pretty shit fuck excited now! please write nice, cute comments to me so i can verify this feeling. XOXOXOXOXO thankyou, and goodnight.
thats so cooooooool ^.^
yea cool
i rang everyone for you tonight! thats why you got so popular that quick ;)
the photo's are sick too!
can you send them? .. 8-)
@Day pleez shaa-up.
@Kyler hahaha <3 msn! now.
fucking love these pictures!
for which band is this for?
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