I LIVE! after a week ;) haha just fucking with you, everyone know's i caved after 2 days of my hell week. i spazzed out without music, and hijacked 2 ipods from my beautiful beautiful friends! xoxo (you two already know how much i fucking adore you's for giving me musical enlightenment!) and the no txting thing, yeah, first reason of justification, its not fair to ambush me and text me multiple times a day JUST because you know i can't read it, but still get the alert. second reason of justification im a 17 year old girl, with a lust for story telling and electronics, the fuck you expect from me?!
On a more festive note, MERRY CHRISTMAS! hope your day was ill to the fullest, and you got spoiled the shit out of each other, mine was brilliant, as usual. who can argue with a 24 hour buffet, movie marathons, and gift raping? (and yes, i did mean to write raping, instead of wrapping. i rape my gifts, not wrap them mother brothers) because i lack photo journalism of this years Christmas day, due to my recent dslr suicide (god rest its soul) i figured i better post these overdue pictures from Halloween! :/ cbf writting a recap of the night, seeing as how it was circa 2 months ago, just use your imagination, pretty sure the crap you come up with will probably meet close to what actually happen, anyone who knows me IRL know's im a fuck, and do random shit while under the influence [insert your memories with me here] so get wild :)
ill try post something proper (you know, that doesnt involve immense rambling and pointless fuck words, who cares, no-one reads these blurbs anyway) later in the week, since i scored a week vacation! (and by scored i mean, just ditched work, and by vacation i mean nerding out at home) i miss everyone! xoxoxo SERIOUSLY. loven's yall.

(Photo Credit: Funaki & Mama)
On a more festive note, MERRY CHRISTMAS! hope your day was ill to the fullest, and you got spoiled the shit out of each other, mine was brilliant, as usual. who can argue with a 24 hour buffet, movie marathons, and gift raping? (and yes, i did mean to write raping, instead of wrapping. i rape my gifts, not wrap them mother brothers) because i lack photo journalism of this years Christmas day, due to my recent dslr suicide (god rest its soul) i figured i better post these overdue pictures from Halloween! :/ cbf writting a recap of the night, seeing as how it was circa 2 months ago, just use your imagination, pretty sure the crap you come up with will probably meet close to what actually happen, anyone who knows me IRL know's im a fuck, and do random shit while under the influence [insert your memories with me here] so get wild :)
ill try post something proper (you know, that doesnt involve immense rambling and pointless fuck words, who cares, no-one reads these blurbs anyway) later in the week, since i scored a week vacation! (and by scored i mean, just ditched work, and by vacation i mean nerding out at home) i miss everyone! xoxoxo SERIOUSLY. loven's yall.

(Photo Credit: Funaki & Mama)
i miss you too!!
i think i inspired this ;)
your beautiful
god i love you
your so cute
theres nothing else!!
hahaha insert memories here
what about when we met
me, you.
triple cheeseburgers
black eyes and crayola hahaha
hahahahahaha i bloody miss you :(
@Anony WAIT WAIT WAIT I GET YOUR COMMENT NOW! hahahaha theres nothing else!!
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