These picture's do no justice to how pretty this beach was! and this day at that! circa a few week's ago, before we got hit with this super bipolar (oh hai IGA lol) weather of rain and humid misfits we're suffering with at the moment, a typical Australian summer. smh. Eshra being handsome, and me? .. i must say, im abit embarrassed with how much picture's i've stumbled across of myself, with just my attention glued to my phone, i swear im not on it as much as it looks, but beyond that, saw the Last Exorcism this day, and laaaaaaaved it. religious views, good. cute posessed girl, good. doc martins, gooooood! ;) in need of a therapeutic skate session and gaming night with Amfabubbles, so while i set that up, hope your having an ill week :)! ... xoxo

take me therehehehrehrhehrehrherehre
the pictures are amazing!
how does it do no justice? better then where i am :(
hahaha your beautiful
@Liz YES.
@Anony naw <3 where you at guuuuuuuuurl/booooooouy?
@Mav omg, mav! your so sweet.
@anthony, no way girl, YOU!
@Anony :D
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