(Movies from left to right: Innocent Steps, Daisy, Love me Not, The Classic, Hello Schoolgirl, My Little Bride, A Moment to Remember, Temptation of the Wolves, Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do & Fourth Period Mystery)
I AM CONVINCED that i have a huge problem with foreign entertainment, whether it be Japanese Anime, or British Sitcom's it doesn't even come close to my obsession with KMovies. im phasing where i need to watch one every night otherwise i fear for my dreams. - one time, i didn't watch a Kmovie before bed, and i had a shit house nightmare about pb&j and the end of my life! hahaha i know that's an invalid justification for my Kmovie behaivour as of late, but it will have to do! beyond that, i feel like watching these are bringing out the romantic in me (and the vulgarly twisted side where i want to find a long lost brother and kill him for his inheritance, then get rich and famous, do something drastic and become blind, then meet a sweet young boy who works in my mansion, and be horrible and cruel to him, find out his mother's dieing with some unheard of disease, comfort him and fall in love with him, then 2 years later get sick with the same disease as his mother, say beautiful things and then die dramatically after making him cry hysterically) <-- and if that didn't convince you of my new found influence, you need to be in school! don't trip .. this will pass ... but until then, i will continue to fall off the face of the earth circa the hours 11pm - 5am.
Dear Nate & Taku, youse will truly be the death of me, xoxo NON.
i love kmovies!!!
have you seen Maundy Thursday? or He was Cool?
makes sense .. you are dating the biggest asian influence in australia! >_>
that bracket is actually a korean movie in the making ..
hahahahahahahahaahahhaa im saying!!!
your welcome bunny ^^
@Anony YES! i've seen both! Maundy Thursday was a farking set up!! and He was Cool, was cute :) have you seen 100 days with Mr.Arrogant? HAAA!
@Kyle mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmayb. lmfao
@nate HAHAHA im saying!!
@Taku your welcome wabbit.
omg i second this!!
lol how cute
the classic is the greatest of all time!!
@Patty THE CLASSIC! <3 but have you seen, a Millionaires first love :'( or The Man from Nowhere <3
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