Taking pictures with people you don't know personally, and/or are not on any alcoholic or natural *ahem* substance, will foreverrrr be awkward! i am convinced! a few weeks old, but a story worth documenting, a story of which doesn't revolve around my stupidity *queue ooh's* but on my cute sister in law Jess (as seen below) who was so star struck to be within 3 meters of Kenny Florian that she went foward to approach him all the while knocking over a whole shelf of video games and then awkwardly trying to decide weather to pick it up or not she finally decides to try abort and nearly trips over her own mess! ahhh hahahaha adorable at the least! and ladies and gentlemen, a typical star sighting story. the end.

hahaha that is cute
sounds like a epic fail to me ..
@nate sounds like an* epic fail, OWNED. i miss you! where are you been girl!
hahahaha adorbale
i like this post!
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