we arrived in Sydney pretty much right in time, there were signing's at 11, and the weigh-ins at 2. unfortunately, we got shit house unlucky and copped a not only 40min cab ride, but a 110$ cab ride. which didnt even drop us off at our hotel, but a 10min walk from. bullshit, i know. worth it though? for sure. so we did manage to miss the signings, when we got there Stephan Bonnar was still doing some meet and greet's, and Koscheck was so hollywood, he was trying to dive through mad fans and photographer's haha, but weigh-ins were interesting nonetheless! packed as fuck, some people didnt even get any seats!

Penn vs Fitch

Bisping vs Rivera
if anyone followed these two during the come up of UFC 127, they'd know there was beef, and Bisping was not trying to bitch out hahaha started Rivera almost instantly on stage! so good! lmfao

Sotiropoulos vs Siver

Noke vs Camozzi

Brian Eborsole
now this dude, hahahahaha is the man! i'd never seen him fight before, but i can tell you, im a freaking fan, see that hairy ass chest this guy is rocking! come fight day, he had shaved it into an arrow pointing at his face! not to mention he started the fight with some weird cartwheel kick .. hahaha .. really cool fight!

Ross Pearsonnnnnn ♥

Perosh vs Blackledge

Hunt vs Tuchscherer

Arianny the hot bish ♥

Kenny Florian aka Ben Stillers stunt double
i actually met this dude on friday in brisbane! but ill save that story for another post .. ill cram one more post in of my Sydney weekend tomorow or something, until then .. ta ta x.
edit: i added the weigh-ins video for bisping and rivera, and threw a link up for Ebersole's chest arrow! haha all for you Roxie! get into the sport!
my wife <3
hahaha rivera looks like he wants to eat bising
Kenny Florian aka Ben Stillers stunt double bahaha
cant believe penn wore jeans to weighins... hahaha he was ready to go
im so wow'd right now .. HAHAHAHAH
i wish i watched this ..
@Kayder pfffffffffffffffffffffffffft.k. hahaha
@Chaz ya huuuuurd.
@Anony lmfao i was so tempted to say that when i met him ahah
@Dean i know right, he literally walks in, takes off the tee. weighs in. then death stares fitch! i love em both though, it broke my heart to see Penn loose .. :(
@Nate i wish you watched this too! its like Star Wars on steroids my friend, minus the star wars concept, add hot ring girls and mma. convinced yet?
im so turned on right now
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