my morning music craving for 6 - 15 minute live rock shows are definately unveiling themselves this past week, and because its a morning craving it influences my whole persona! from dress style, to attitude, to cant be fucked'ness. which to me, has resulted in my favour, i wish i was around to experience real rock concert's, im saddened by the idea that the likes of 30 seconds to mars, fall out boy and muse are my generations idea of great rock music. its things like this that make me wish i was born in any other time frame but my own! im appreciative of the classics, and that goes for life in general, i could go on for ages about how i live in the suckiest generation ever! but i endure, as you would.
i thought you liked hip hop?
i wouldnt take you for a rock fan
you obviously haven't seen nessar dress
looking like she just got spat out of a 80's rock concert with her denim and shredds :L
haha, i love almost every assortment of music. i just like music itself.
kayder! nooo! its not! but i looove this one, neil young is a beast! the one i told you about is
All Along The Watchtower - The Watchtower Four
you look cuteeeeeee bby!!
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